Regional Governing Board (RGB)

Region V Systems is governed by a Regional Governing Board (RGB), a local unit of government organized under the Inter-local Cooperation Act. Its authority is based on Nebraska Revised Statute §71-801 through §71-818 (Nebraska Behavioral Health Services Act, the Inter-local Agreement) and the Board’s bylaws. The Act outlines the Roles and Responsibilities for the RGB.

The RGB consists of elected officials, county commissioners or supervisors, one from each of the 16 counties in the region. These individuals represent their county and participate in the decision making of the board.

The RGB is by statute responsible for the development and coordination of both adult and children’s publicly funded behavioral health services within the region. The RGB appoints a regional administrator who is responsible for the administration and management of Region V Systems. The RGB also appoints a Behavioral Health Advisory Committee.

RGB By-Laws
Nebraska Open Meetings Act


RGB Agenda 9-9-24
RGB Agenda 6-10-24
RGB Agenda 5-13-24
RGB Agenda 4-08-24


RGB Minutes 3-10-25
RGB Minutes 2-10-25
RGB Minutes 11-18-24
RGB Minutes 9-9-24
RGB Minutes 6-10-24
RGB Minutes 5-13-24
RGB Minutes 4-8-24

RGB Members

Butler County – Jan Sypal
Fillmore County – Kenny Harre (Treasurer)*
Gage County – Emily Haxby
Jefferson County – Danielle Schwab
Johnson County – Les Agena
Lancaster County – Christa Yoakum (Chair)*
Nemaha County – Michael Weiss
Otoe County – Dan Crownover
Pawnee County – Jan Lang
Polk County – Jerry Westring
Richardson County – John Caverzagie
Saline County – Brian Pribyl
Saunders County – Bill Reece (Vice Chair)*
Seward County – Darrell Zabrocki
Thayer County – Dean Krueger
York County – LeRoy Ott (Secretary)* and BHAC Representative

* Denotes Executive Committee