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FY 23-24 Annual Report

Region V Systems’ FY 23-24 Annual Report summarizes strategic objectives and achievements.


Harm Reduction Vending Machines

We are excited to announce that Region V Systems and the Nebraska Pharmacists Association have partnered to make Narcan more accessible in Lincoln. Nebraska’s first Narcan vending machine was installed at CenterPointe last week!  The vending machine includes:

  • Narcan: A medication that can reduce an opioid overdose
  • Deterra: A drug destruction bag
  • Safe sex kits
  • First aid kits

Anyone can access these items at no cost, with no questions asked.  The vending machine is a part of CenterPointe’s compassionate and harm-reduction approach that is dedicated to meeting people where they at during their journey of recovery.

See the full news story here: https://www.1011now.com/2024/09/25/free-narcan-vending-machine-installed-centerpointe/


United States Department of Justice (DOJ)-Civil Rights Division

On May 14, 2024, Nebraska Health & Human Services (NHHS) was informed by the United States Department of Justice findings of the investigation on Nebraska’s administration of its behavioral health service system, including employment services, for adults with serious mental illness. The DOJ assessed the State’s compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §12131-§12134, as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581 (1999).  It was determined by the DOJ “Nebraska is violating Title II of the ADA by unnecessarily segregating people with serious mental illness in assisted living facilities and day program facilities.” Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services is in the process of negotiating with the DOJ to come to a memorandum of agreement on what approach will be taken to conform with the American Disabilities Act. Region V Systems looks to collaborate with NHHS to support people’s recovery and wellness. Please see the full report from Department of Justice.



CARF Accreditation


Region V Systems received another three-year CARF accreditation, effective through 5/31/27, for our Family & Youth Investment, Regional Prevention Coordination, and Network Management.  Here is the full report from CARF.

CARF identified many organizational strengths that can be found on Pages 6-8 of the report.

The report is a reflection of our employees’ efforts, involvement, and commitment of excellence to support the wellness and recovery of the participants and stakeholders we serve.


New Opioid Project Webpage

We are pleased to announce that Region V Systems’ Opioid Project webpage is now available.  This is a great source of information on how southeast Nebraska will be using Opioid Settlement Funds to address the growing opioid epidemic.   Link:   https://region5systems.net/rvs-opioid-project


(L-R: Terri Effle, Kayla Lathrop, Sandy Morrissey)

Congratulations to our Prevention System Coordination Team!!  Check out their fabulous work in collaboration with KidGlov that resulted in 3 top awards in these categories:

Tech Away Campaign” Right Sizing Your Family’s Technology Use

Hope Videos” Suicide Prevention

Stop and Think” Opioid Overdose Prevention


BHAC Committee Members Sought

Region V Systems is seeking applications from individuals who are interested in adult or children’s behavioral health services and wish to serve on the Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (BHAC). We are interested in filling vacancies with persons who possess education, training, competencies, and/or personal life experience in behavioral health. If you are interested in serving on the BHAC, please click here for information on how to apply.


LPD Training for Increase in Mental Health Calls

Goals of BETA training:
Reduce trauma of persons in crisis;
Reduce stigma and prejudice; and
Partner with peer services.

Learn more about Region V Systems’ BETA training, aimed to aid LPD in assessing and addressing mental health crisis calls on 10/11 Now.


Website Launched to Help Employers with Recruitment Needs, Job Seekers Find Employment

A free recruitment resource has been developed exclusively for Nebraska.  In response to the Legislature’s concern with growing behavioral health workforce challenges in our state, a website was developed specifically to promote behavioral health workforce opportunities in Nebraska.  This website was made possible through a collaboration between BHECN (Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska) and the Nebraska Regional Behavioral Health Authorities.

nebhjobs.com provides a FREE resource targeting employers who want to recruit specifically in the behavioral health field and for job seekers who want to work in this field.  Any employer who provides behavioral health services in Nebraska may post unlimited job openings for free.  Services are defined as direct or indirect care, including administrative agencies that serve a role in the behavioral health system of care.  Because we believe every position in an organization contributes to its overall success, the scope of job postings is meant to include every level in the workforce, from entry-level administrative support to licensed professionals.  By creating a customized profile, job seekers may also search jobs and post their resumes for free.

nebhjobs.com also has a Facebook page: please click here and “like us.”  Get your friends and family to do the same.  The more people who know about this, the more we can get the word out to educate employers and job seekers alike.


Language Interpretation Services

Language Interpretation Services are available upon request by calling 402-441-4343 or by filling out the Contact Us form.


Parking Map

Please click here for a map of available parking when you come to visit our building.