Regional Prevention Coordination (RPC)
The purpose of the Regional Prevention Center (RPC) is to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, for all ages, through forming and supporting local/county community coalitions which sustain a statewide prevention system.
RPC staff provide or identify local resources to offer training, technical assistance, and coordination to community coalitions to implement evidence-based regional programs and practices. Staff work collaboratively with a wide variety of state and local agencies, law enforcement, civic groups, universities and colleges, the media, youth groups, and parents to achieve National Outcome Measures (NOMs).
RPC staff also coordinate the Youth Action Board (YAB), comprised of high school and college youth, to develop youth leadership within their home communities. YAB sponsors three annual events: June Jam, Red/White Tailgate, and Youth Leadership Day, which includes over 1,000 youth and 100 sponsors.
Every county in southeast Nebraska has a coalition leading the charge to reduce substance abuse and promote positive mental health in their area. Visit to find stories, videos, and resources in your local community.
2025 Prevention Meeting Schedule
Region 5 Systems, in partnership with DHHS/Behavioral Health supports free Narcan available at participating pharmacies throughout Region 5 service area and Nebraska. Learn more at
Narcan is available to community members in southeast Nebraska at no cost for individuals requesting the drug for themselves or someone else “at risk for an opioid overdose.”
All first responders including law enforcement, fire and rescue, EMT’s can contact to have Narcan delivered to their organization.
For more detailed information on how to use Narcan, please watch this video.
2023 Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey (NRPFSS).
The 2023 survey represents the tenth implementation of the NRPFSS. The NRPFSS targets Nebraska students in grades 8, 10, and 12 with a goal of providing schools and communities with local-level data. As a result, the survey is implemented as a census survey; meaning, that every public and non-public school with an eligible grade can choose to participate. This data is not to be considered a representative statewide sample. The survey is designed to assess adolescent substance use, delinquent behavior, and many of the risk and protective factors that predict adolescent problem behaviors.
Within Nebraska 11,560 students from the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades completed the NRPFSS. Region 5 Systems Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey.
For more information, please contact us here.
Region 5’s Regional Prevention Coalition received a five-year grant to reduce teen alcohol abuse in 2014. Through these funds, was created to share parenting tips and tools, as well as alcohol related resources with families throughout the region.
When this grant came up for renewal in 2019, the coalition decided to expand the focus beyond alcohol. This new website, was developed to provide easy to use resources that encourage adults to talk with young people about alcohol and drugs, mental health and risky behaviors.
Check out these videos from our award-winning “From Trauma to Hope” series.
988 Lifeline
The 988 Lifeline offers free and confidential support for anyone in crisis. That includes people who need support for a suicidal, mental health and/or substance use crisis, or who are in emotional distress.
988 is an easy-to-remember number that connects callers to suicide and mental health related crisis support through one of California’s existing 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline services. 911 is focused on addressing public safety concerns and emergencies (e.g., dispatching EMS, fire department, and law enforcement).
The 988 Lifeline provides easier access to mental health crisis care through a 200+ network of crisis call, text, and chat centers, separate from the public safety purposes of 911, where the focus is on dispatching emergency medical services, fire, and police, as needed.
For more information, please download the 988 Factsheet.