Together, with the state and local Continuums of Care for the Homeless, Region 5 Systems works to house vulnerable adults who have mental health and substance use concerns.

Housing Programs

Immediate Assistance

Region 5 Systems does not provide immediate help for Rental Assistance.

If you are in need of immediate assistance, please see the links below to learn more:

Shelter:  People’s City Mission

Housing Services and AssessmentsCenterPointe, Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach, Cedars, The Hub

Homelessness Prevention:  Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County

Lincoln Permanent Housing (LPH)

Region 5 Systems receives funding from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide permanent supportive housing to homeless consumers with disabilities in Lancaster County Nebraska.

LPH receives referrals for assistance through the Nebraska Balance of State Coordinated Entry System called the Most Vulnerable Review Team (MVRT). LPH provides permanent supportive housing to single adults and families identified as the most vulnerable, while adhering to a “housing first” philosophy which offers consumer choice in receiving services and immediate housing.

Rental Assistance Program (RAP)

RAP provides safe, secure, affordable housing – together with support services – so that consumers can begin to work toward recovery. The target population is consumers with serious and persistent mental illness, who are indigent or have extremely low income, and who are discharging from an inpatient Mental Health Board commitment, or those that are at risk of an inpatient commitment.

Rural Permanent Housing Program (RPHP)

Region 5 Systems receives funding from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide permanent supportive housing to homeless consumers with disabilities in 20 rural counties in southeast Nebraska. Funding supports services in the 16 counties in the Region 5 geographical area, plus the counties of Adams, Clay, Nuckolls, and Webster.

RPH receives referrals for assistance through the Nebraska Balance of State Coordinated Entry System called the Most Vulnerable Review Team (MVRT). RPH provides permanent supportive housing to single adults and families identified as the most vulnerable, while adhering to a “housing first” philosophy which offers consumer choice in receiving services and immediate housing.