
Membership recruitment:  The CFAC is seeking applications from individuals who are interested in helping to improve the quality of life for consumers and family members affected by mental illness, substance use disorders, or other addictive disorders.  We are interested in filling vacancies with those who have lived experience as a consumer or a family member of a behavioral health services consumer. Find out more!

Vision Statement

The Vision of the Consumer/Family Advisory Committee (CFAC) is for a Behavioral Health System in Region V in which Consumers, Family, Organizations and Communities work together in partnership to promote recovery and ensure positive change to reduce stigma, support independent choices, and to treat consumers with both dignity and respect.


The mission of the CFAC is helping to improve the quality of life for consumers and family members affected by mental health, substance use, or other addictive disorders.


The purpose of the CFAC is to promote the interests of behavioral health of consumers and their families. CFAC membersʼ efforts may include, but are not limited to, encouraging involvement in all aspects of governance, service design, planning, implementation, provision, education, evaluation, and research related to behavioral health issues and to encourage peer leadership and initiative.

In 2004, Nebraska’s State Legislature adopted LB 1083, the Nebraska Behavioral Health Services Act, which identified the following purposes:

  • Ensure services are consumer focused;
  • Create services that emphasize beneficial outcomes based on recovery principles; and
  • Ensure consumer involvement in all aspects of service planning and delivery.

In 2007, a consumer specialist position was funded for each Region. In Region V, the consumer specialist developed and coordinates a “Consumer/Family Advisory Committee;” it is through these activities that Region V Systems ensures reform is consumer led. Recovery principles are also adopted at all levels of the system.

Consumer involvement coordination works to:

  • Increase consumer and family involvement;
  • Support the interests and development of consumers;
  • Provide new opportunities for consumers to learn leadership skills
  • Gain experience in developing partnerships.